Happy Spring everyone.....Pheona's will be open soon, April 10 is just around the corner! We are all very excited, been out scouting looking for Good Junk just of you!
Pheona's would like to welcome a few New Dealers for April that I believe you will enjoy, Kenda Powell, Jennifer Farquhar, Melinda Wilkie and Kathy Stout. They each bring their own unique style of decorating and design.
I would also like to welcome back Shelly Gordon, Gretchen Hawkins and Robi Felton without the help of these three I may never have made it open! I really appreciate all the help they have given me, painting, cleaning, passing out flyer's. Thanks girls....you are the best!
Plan to come see us April 10 from 9-4, we just may have that one treasure you have been searching for!
Check the blog in the next couple of weeks, I will be posting photo's of a few treasures that we will feature April 10. See ya soon.......Sheila