Monday, August 24, 2009

Progress made...

Thanks to Robi, Shelly and Gretchen we got lots of cleaning and painting done. We still have 1 room to paint and some cleaning to do.....but it is coming together and looking nice.
The new porch looks great, a few boards left to screw in and even the ends off then that project will be done.
I need to pick up some mums and straw to decorate outside..... get my stuff set up and priced ...opening day is closing in on me!!!

Put the 2nd Sat of each month on your calendar....
first Sale date Sept 12, 9-4...location

Pheona's Vintage Market, 103 W. HWY 60, Billings MO

1 Block west of the stop light on the left side of the road.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sheila, got some flyers out today. Looking forward to an awesome sale.
